The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Shulamite's Articles » Page 7
April 2, 2004 by Shulamite
"Isn't it better to view God as just doing the best he can?" Stevendalus asks. The parent's role is one that mirror's God's role to us, right? Follow me... I know a reason I have to make sure my daughter obeys when I tell her to do something is for more than just safety reasons; its for security reasons. That is to say, if she knows and understands I'm in control of her and her life, I'm then in control of her world. If she views me as strong and commanding, she experiences less fear for ...
April 1, 2004 by Shulamite
I like my feet. I've always liked my feet. Yeah they're flat... so flat they suction to the floor when when I stand barefooted... but I think that's kinda cool. I also like the freckle on the top of my left foot. It's just above my first two toes, centered. I've always liked it. It shows nicely at the tops of some of my dress shoes. I have an olive complexion so my feet are that color too... and I guess that contributes to why I like my feet. But I think that's a pretty secondary (or...
March 31, 2004 by Shulamite
My friend says my brother looks like Sam from Lord of the Rings. He joked that I probably have Hobbit feet too. Come to find out our feet are identical. My friend's feet are just as flat as mine. They both make suction noises on the floor when we're barefoot. They both leave no room for an arch when walking on dry cement with wet feet. His little toes are triangles like mine. His first toe and second are even, squared off like mine. He thought he had long toes; we both do. Hobbit ...
March 31, 2004 by Shulamite
My friend says my brother looks like Sam from Lord of the Rings. He joked that I probably have Hobbit feet too. Come to find out our feet are identical. My friend's feet are just as flat as mine. They both make suction noises on the floor when we're barefoot. They both leave no room for an arch when walking on dry cement with wet feet. His little toes are triangles like mine. His first toe and second are even, squared off like mine. He thought he had long toes; we both do. Hobbit ...
March 30, 2004 by Shulamite
My students had to give their first speech over their pet peeves. This, by far, is one of my favorite assignments to give. I have some, they have some, I'm going to throw them out there. I hate it when I'm eating dinner with someone and they scrape the fork across their teeth. Repetitively. I've asked people to stop it before. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Or worse: teeth on a chalkboard. Speaking of chalk, a student said one of hers was chalk. She hates chalk. That's it. She'...
March 30, 2004 by Shulamite
Hello, My name is Shulamite. I'm a talkaholic. I know I have a problem. How do I know? My responses to articles are entirely too long. No doubt you've been "rooting around" on here tonight and found one of my responses. And you thought, "geez." I think my problem is that I've been a debater. Have you ever watched a college debate round? Wow. Can we talk fast. We can fit in an insane amount of information in a tiny little space of time. It's insane. And the arguments just keep coming! ...
March 28, 2004 by Shulamite
Jill had a really great article on children's creativity. And I've written on how they absorb just every little thing they're exposed to -- they're so amazing! My daughter is in a weekly program where she memorizes scripture in small amounts. This helps her learn the Word of God in small portions. She hears a preacher on the radio as we drive and she'll pipe up, "Hey, I've heard that story before!" I'm always amazed at what children are equipped for and how little we think they can do. ...
March 27, 2004 by Shulamite
Ask someone from 49 of the other states "Are you a (fill in statehood of your choice) first or an American?" and usually, you'll only get a puzzled look as a response. Some will say "American!" but mostly, the response is, "Isn't it the same thing?" I think the only other state where I've heard it's possible to feel this way is Virginia, though I think this heritage has been lost, long ago. I could be wrong. For those of you who've never experienced it, Texans have a surprising loyalty to...
March 27, 2004 by Shulamite
My four-year-old daughter is as feminine as daughters come, I believe. She has yet to eat a meal without a napkin in the past two years. She's all about glitter, poofs, silky-shiny dresses, and sparkly shoes and makeup. Ribbons and painted fingernails, too much lipstick, and flailing ballet steps. Even when she goes fishing, she has her hot-pink Barbie worms. This girl does everything in style. That said, ask her what she wants to be when she grows up. Obviously, she wants to be somethin...
March 22, 2004 by Shulamite
Celebrity worship… nothing new I suppose. I chuckle at the thought of a guy walking past the forum and some guy saying, “Hey, you look just like Socrates!” and the other guy saying, “Really?” while saying to himself, “ALRIGHT!” I’m not sure why a woman who gave much thought to it would want to look like a celeb. I mean really, who ever became famous for looking exactly like someone else who’s already famous? Typically, people become famous for a new look. Its something about them that’s d...
March 19, 2004 by Shulamite
Jepel, this is an interesting response. I suppose when I look at all the scientific data in support of the fact that there is a God (And only one at that) I believe it takes more faith to believe there is no God. That's coming up with explanation after explanation that falls leagues short of a God-explanation. For instance, there's the "Tzo." The "Tzo" is only one way of saying that there is a system of beliefs we all, as humans, acknowledge is true at a very early age. A two year old und...
March 18, 2004 by Shulamite
Do I believe there is one person for every person, specifically meant for them? Wow, what a deep question. I used to not beleive that. I'm a logical, practical person. I used to say, "no. one can be perfectly happy with a number of people on this earth and seeing as how a huge factor in who we marry is 'proximity,' how can there be only one person anyway?" Not very romantic? I agree. I had a boy I dated challenge that thought. Well, it was one date. I think it was one date because I d...
March 16, 2004 by Shulamite
To paraphrase Elizabeth Elliot: When you're completely broken, don't forget God may be using you to feed the multitude. I was rather wowed by that thought. God doesn't really use things that aren't broken. If they're not broken, He breaks them. Being broken, then, must not be ALL bad. Is it then a sign that what you're learning is VERY important and should be carefully thought-out before you emerge? I think so. After all, Jesus told Peter, "Feed my sheep" three times; three was kind of the...
March 15, 2004 by Shulamite
I usually don't have any problems sleeping at night. The other night, however, this was not the case. I had a thought (maybe several) running through my head. Chords, precisely. Our Pastor, was talking about how our Savior was tied to the cross by chords of love. Not by anything manmade. I think His very nature bolsters that, but sometimes to meditate on that fact brings greater appreciation for Him, His sacrifice, His love (and the meaning thereof) and for the meaning of sacrifice itse...