The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Shulamite's Articles In History
April 22, 2004 by Shulamite
My brother sent me this email he wrote. I'm helping him with his final : : senior collegiate English paper. I thought I'd pass it on for whatever worth it may be to anyone. I didn't change anything about the email so it's in informal email style. Enjoy! in my research for my paper thats um due in uh 19 hours lol... i found this good quote from Josephus, a secular jewish historian that wasn't a christian and was highly respected even by roman emperors such as titus and vespasian... th...
April 19, 2004 by Shulamite
I'm in the middle of the book "Abigail Adams" and I simply adore her. She's probably one of my all-time favorite historical figures and definetly my favorite female. In fact, I try to emulate her as much as possible. The book as been slow going so far... it's a great book, but its hefty. I read it in short spurts. (Well that and I read several books at a time so this one is in a revolving line.) I read the biography "John Adams" this summer. What a fantastic read! I was so excited to pick...
March 27, 2004 by Shulamite
Ask someone from 49 of the other states "Are you a (fill in statehood of your choice) first or an American?" and usually, you'll only get a puzzled look as a response. Some will say "American!" but mostly, the response is, "Isn't it the same thing?" I think the only other state where I've heard it's possible to feel this way is Virginia, though I think this heritage has been lost, long ago. I could be wrong. For those of you who've never experienced it, Texans have a surprising loyalty to...