The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Shulamite's Articles » Page 5
May 6, 2004 by Shulamite
"Jennifer, you're ten years old. Act your age. You've known you were going to have to do this for a long time." "But I don't want to!" "Don't you want to see your brother get better? If you don't go through with this and he dies, it'll be your fault." "But I'm scared!" We are now creating children to save the lives of their older siblings. The blood from their umbillical chords are one way the birth can save lives, but tissue donation and marrow donation are others. Admittedly, I ...
May 4, 2004 by Shulamite
I'm going to try to update this article as a source for information I've heard on abortion. I will update this article frequently. I'll not put too much of my opinion here unless I state it as such. I hope it will spark your analysis of what I put. I will, however, include mine in the comments area. If you have facts, I welcome them. If I can verify them, I'll include them. Cheerio! Last week, I heard on SRN news radio broadcast that twice as many black babies are aborted as white babies. ...
April 29, 2004 by Shulamite
Multiculturalism is just as elusive and immaterial as the laser beam my cat loves to chase. And I’m seeing plenty of cat’s interested in chasing this particular laser beam. Culture Defined First, some basics so we’re all using the same terms. A culture is a set of beliefs, norms, and values shared by a group of people. Any culture can be further divided into sub-cultures. For instance, one can see that a person between the ages of 13 and 19 belong to what could be considered an umbrell...
April 29, 2004 by Shulamite
A couple were celebrating their 50th. Someone asks, "What is your secret?" The woman says, "Three words I had to learn for happiness: you're probably right." They look at the man to see what he says about that. He looks at the woman, smiles, and says, "You're probably right." What's more important to you? Being right or being happy? When you enter an argument with anyone, decide which is more important and act accordingly. Also, with relationships, I might give a humble suggestion. Deci...
April 28, 2004 by Shulamite
What is this Moral Law? It is not our herd instinct. Instinct is nurturing love, sexual instinct, or finding a food source ina strange place. It's a strong desire to act in a certain way. Sometimes helping someone is instinctual. But that is different from feeling you ought to help whether you want to or not. When you hear someone being attacked your instinct of self preservation says run, your herd instinct says "help," and something else says the instinct to help is RIGHT. The thi...
April 28, 2004 by Shulamite
"How'd you like it if someone did that to you?" "I was there first." "But you promised!" Educated or ignorant, child or adult; anyone could have said any of these statements. The person wouldn't be saying, "your behavior makes me unhappy." The appeal is to a standard the other person already knows about. The other person never says, "to heck with your standard." Instead, they offer an excuse for why they broke the standard. The standard they are discussing is what allows human beings to argue...
April 28, 2004 by Shulamite
I set about to write on the major premises of Christianity. I sat down and wrote them down and then put them in logical order. You’d have to grasp the first to get to the next in other words. When I did this and began writing the first, I went back and placed one before it and wrote on it. Finally it struck me. I was reinventing the wheel. A very gifted writer did just this already. Everything I was writing was obviously already hit by him. So what could I do? I decided I’d re-read what h...
April 26, 2004 by Shulamite
Today I learned one of the saddest things I've heard in a long time. I really felt like crying but I couldn't. For someone who wears their emotions on their sleeve, it was difficult. My friend and I visited a girl about our age. She has five foster children all under the age of six; the youngest is 2 months. The three year old cannot talk. She was just talking to us about their new house and showing us their rooms and all that fun girl stuff. That little boy came up to me and hugged me so...
April 25, 2004 by Shulamite
Site Preparation The foundation of the Christian church was laid out by the Prophets, Apostles, and Evangelists; however, before a foundation can be laid the site has to be prepared for the foundation. Savage landscapes have to be tamed, debris and rocks removed, and the land leveled—all necessary so that the land can support the foundation it will bear. The site preparation for Christianity began with Judaism and heathenism. “In Judaism, the preparation was direct and positive, proceeding...
April 25, 2004 by Shulamite
Dharma, you read a lot of blogs I've noticed so I'm hoping you'll read this one. That thread (Jill's) was getting way to hairy for me to stay in it. I couldn't keep up with it with so many subjects at one time! I'm very curious about the particular idea of "enlightenment" as it's applied in Buddhism. I don't think it's right to not know what a term means and then argue or state an ill-informed opinion on it. I don't ever want to do that. I knew Buddha's name (at least his first) but I'm more ...
April 25, 2004 by Shulamite
It's not conservative or liberal, however they're defined. It's not about interpretations or the judgements of the mind. It's the opposite of politics, power, and prestige. It's about a simple message, and whether we believe. We can water down theology; preach a word to suit our needs. We can justify sweet subtle lies that are wrapped in noble deeds. We can alter our convictions and adapt to social whims. But we cannot change the gospel or the truth contained within. It's still the cro...
April 23, 2004 by Shulamite
I've really weary with all this heavy stuff lately! Oi vei! So I'm lightening it up. "Bar" jokes are some of my all time favorites because of their reliance on wit. I'm posting my all-time favorite in hopes to hear your favorites as well. A termite walks into a bar and says, "Hey! Where's the bar tender?!"
April 23, 2004 by Shulamite
I've really weary with all this heavy stuff lately! Oi vei! So I'm lightening it up. "Bar" jokes are some of my all time favorites because of their reliance on wit. I'm posting my all-time favorite in hopes to hear your favorites as well. A termite walks into a bar and says, "Hey! Where's the bar tender?!"
April 22, 2004 by Shulamite
My brother sent me this email he wrote. I'm helping him with his final : : senior collegiate English paper. I thought I'd pass it on for whatever worth it may be to anyone. I didn't change anything about the email so it's in informal email style. Enjoy! in my research for my paper thats um due in uh 19 hours lol... i found this good quote from Josephus, a secular jewish historian that wasn't a christian and was highly respected even by roman emperors such as titus and vespasian... th...
April 21, 2004 by Shulamite
Jesus did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it. But how can that be, you ask. Good question. Obviously, Christians don't obey all of Levitical law. See my response to a question on my last blog if you'd like more info. Why don't we? You see, Peter had a vision from God explaining that all things God made are now clean. God placed a great white sheet down on the ground for peter with lots of unclean foods on it. He told Peter, "Take and eat." Peter said, "but Lord, I can't. I've k...