The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Shulamite's Articles » Page 6
April 19, 2004 by Shulamite
Wow. I was going to sit down and write a very different blog. I may still do it. We'll see. But I was reading some of y'all's stuff (we do double apostrophes in Texas, it's okay) and realized we've got a wee bit of a problem. You guys who don't regard the Bible as truth have been screaming advice to some folks and some folks just don't understand. I think there's a real need for some loving, kind advice to be given from one Christian to others who genuinely desire that their point of vi...
April 19, 2004 by Shulamite
I'm in the middle of the book "Abigail Adams" and I simply adore her. She's probably one of my all-time favorite historical figures and definetly my favorite female. In fact, I try to emulate her as much as possible. The book as been slow going so far... it's a great book, but its hefty. I read it in short spurts. (Well that and I read several books at a time so this one is in a revolving line.) I read the biography "John Adams" this summer. What a fantastic read! I was so excited to pick...
April 19, 2004 by Shulamite
The US should not send aid to Iraq in the form of grants, but rather in the form of low interest loans. Our country has never shied from loans or even borrowing from ourselves. We are rich in resources and we use those to fuel our country and economy – we then use those booms to repay our loans. In theory, anyway. We have a huge debt. Yet we, being one of the most generous countries and populaces, are always giving grants and aid to foreign countries. Iraq is a resource-rich country. We’r...
April 16, 2004 by Shulamite
Saturday, I took my daughter to the square in town to hunt Easter Eggs. I thought, how cute! A town Easter egg hunt. The children will look so nice and it will gush old-fashioned values. I'm in. We got up to the purposely-overgrown lawn to await the hunt. She was wary of the oversized bunny. No big deal, I would be too. (Later she said, "At the Easter egg hunt, something strange was going on. The bunny had grown-up shoes on." I said, "maybe his feet were cold." "no, it wasn't cold." "ma...
April 15, 2004 by Shulamite
From a forward: usually they're the bane of my existance, but this was pertinant. A woman and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home. She was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway and cars costing more than her house. The first day and evening went well, and she was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband's employer was quite generous as a host and took them t...
April 15, 2004 by Shulamite
Mr. Frog: By the way, I love your name. I collect frogs and think they’re smashing in every possible way. You asked, “I still have a question though...if Jesus was to be considered half man and half God, wouldn't he then have sin, since he was still partly man?” Great question. See, as I understand it, that’s where the Miracle of God comes in. I think you have to understand the Trinity first. (Not a misspelling of a very awesome blogger.) I’ll try to get to that because it will also answ...
April 12, 2004 by Shulamite
As I mentioned in the previous article I wrote, I interviewed Jack Ingram a while back. I'm not sure why I'm thinking about it. But it's inspiring me so I'm going with it. My little brother is very important and influential in my life. No one makes me laugh like me. I say little, but he's only a very little bit younger than me. He's graduating college this may as a fifth-year senior. He abhors conformity. He had a thing a while back for wearing those "Mexican Wedding" shirts. Can't re...
April 12, 2004 by Shulamite
Everyone loves to attack big business. I'm not a big business attacker, for the record. (An unintended pun, btw.) I have noticed something peculiar with the music industry. Sure, there's movie pirating. And software pirating. But both are so relatively affordable (depending on the program and purpose I suppose.) We can buy our favorite movie at Walmart for five dollars. What savings! And I even got a swell movie at Circuit City for three dollars -- a brand new "Charade" with Audrey Hepbur...
April 12, 2004 by Shulamite
I had to go to walmart. And BLAST it, I had to go on a Saturday, for the love of God -- Saturday!!!! This is the day when the truly interesting people come out to shop. It's like a county fair with no governmentally-recognized livestock competing for awards. Were I going for sociological (or zoological) observation, this would be a schmorgasbord. (Hoping I spelled that right...) I was preparing to turn into the next parking aisle when a teal car, piloted by a moronic driver with delusion...
April 9, 2004 by Shulamite
We've seen soldiers coming back from the war getting thier new limbs. The doctors tell them they'll work better than their old ones. And I've heard this is true; runners usually run faster, rock climber achieve new heights, if you will, and other athletes across the board perform better once they've adapted. We all accept the new prosthetics when we see them in use. It's not their actual arm... but it is. Now. And it works. And we're glad. Already, amazing surgeries to fix our organs (eye...
April 8, 2004 by Shulamite
Lilly Tomlin said the reason humans developed language is because of our deep need to complain. If we couldn't complain, where would we be? Have you ever fasted? Our pastor asked us to spend a week fasting from negativity. I like to think I'm a very positive person. In fact, I'm usually so positive people comment on it. However a complete fast from it was nearly impossible for me. (I am typing this article to complain about complaining if that weren't enough.) As a teacher, I've noticed t...
April 8, 2004 by Shulamite
I was watching the news last night -- the national news on a station I'll not mention. I noticed that everything the reporters said characterized President Bush, the Administration, and the war in a negative way. The whole report seemed to cast shadows over everything pertaining to anything happening in the President's office -- even good news! As Brad pointed out, we really shouldn't care what France or any of Europe thinks about our governing body or our decisions -- they don't own us. ...
April 6, 2004 by Shulamite
Was Jesus crazy, a liar, or telling the truth? It seems to me these are the only options we have, as presented to us by C.S. Lewis. I don't believe he was crazy. Christianity is not the only religion that recognizes and embraces him as a wise and worthy teacher. The Jews and Muslims also recognize his actual ministry on earth, the occurances of his life, and his teachings. He was also rather logical. I don't believe he was a liar. Again, he's recognized by more than just Christianity a...
April 5, 2004 by Shulamite
Ah, the penny. The only copper coin we have, certainly making ol' Abe distinctive. They're proliferious, too! I guess that makes for an Abundant Abe as well. And they are annoying as all get-out. Don't lie. Unless your first or last name is Penny, you hate 'em. (A friend of mine got an obscenely-large lincoln tattooed on his back because his last name is... you guessed it.) You despise getting them in your change. In fact, you probably orphan them at the cash register, depositing them in t...
April 2, 2004 by Shulamite
I'm in the jewelry business in addition to being a school teacher. I'm so pumped because I have my first show with a whole room full of black women. I am blessed to have met a lady named Krystle and she's invited me to show the jewelry at a huge party. I may be the only white girl in the room! I'm very excited at expanding my social circle; people just stay segregated and it really sucks. She's been so much fun already in just planning it. I teach speech communication and one point ta...