The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
A Response To Jepel's Comment
Published on March 19, 2004 By Shulamite In Religion
Jepel, this is an interesting response. I suppose when I look at all the scientific data in support of the fact that there is a God (And only one at that) I believe it takes more faith to believe there is no God. That's coming up with explanation after explanation that falls leagues short of a God-explanation.

For instance, there's the "Tzo." The "Tzo" is only one way of saying that there is a system of beliefs we all, as humans, acknowledge is true at a very early age. A two year old understands the idea one shouldn't cut in lines and that one shouldn't promise something and not keep it. "But you PROMISED!" and "I was here first!" and "But that's MINE!" That said, we also understand from a very early age that humans to not adhere to this code of conduct that we're ingrained with.

Animals have no such code for what some call "morals." I think looking at human beings (our biggest clue to the universe since we are the puzzle piece we're examining) we see there IS a God who sets this in our hearts. It's not instinct because animals have that and do not have the "Tzo" that they fail to adhere to. I don't think one can look at any object and make valid conjectures about its maker using it alone. Not personal traits and such. So other objects in the universe only point to the fact that there was a Maker (like a watch on an island points to the fact a Maker exists; a watch doesn't self-generate). I think that there is a Maker is certain. If you don't know what a fractal is, I'll be glad to share its majesty.

Now, to answer what I think your question is.

"if he is the ONE for you, necessarly if you believe in exclusive monogamous relationship, you are the ONE for him. Consequantly, you should realize each other importance very soon, shouldn't you?"

I'm going to try to paraphrase what you're asking me. Tell me if I"m wrong. You're asking me that because he's the one for me and I'm the one for him, we'll find each other soon, right? That's a good question. Now, Jepel, you know my answer is coming from my world view and I think I've explained that to you adequately. If you skipped over it, you'll need it to understand my answer. "Soon" is a very relative term, right? For you, soon may be within five years. For me, soon may be within ten. Or Twenty. Rather than "soon," because of my world view, I tend to focus on "the right time." The God with whom I have a personal relationship -- I'll be glad to expound on this if necessary -- is a God of perfection. Therefore, the right time is crucial. In other words, the right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing.

I believe in sanctification, which is purifying. I believe my God is interested in turning me into the image of Christ -- which is God in the flesh. If I'm to become that image, then purification is intrinsic. I believe love is by nature patient. Hence, even if we know who each other is, to jump into anything without God's blessings and timing would be wrong and cause serious reprecussions to our relationship. A God-Blessed and driven relationship is one that is strong and will not fail because I believe God is love and Love never fails.

Perhaps that's a little lofty for you. Maybe you're thinking, "Pollyanna." Well, no. I believe love works like crazy to serve. It's not pretty and roses and flowers. To keep the metaphor, it's mud and blood and sweat and lots of laughter punctuated by weeping moments when each other's strength is without paramount for making it through. How do I know? I've seen it modeled countless times. And I've seen folks happy in their old age, together.

Jepel, I'm sorry my answer isn't a short one. But I do believe in a merciful, kind, loving God who reached down to us to save us into His eternity through His Son's sacrifical death and who will guide your every step if you let Him. When Gideon pulled down an altar to Baal, his enemies wanted to kill him. Gideon's father said, "Why do you defend a god? Why not let Baal do his own vengence." The point is idols are just that -- idle (if you'll pardon the pun). However my God, YHWH, is a powerful and mighty God who loves without measure. God turned Gideon, a coward, into a powerful warrior who defeated the midianties, delivering Israel from oppression. God asks, "Can you imagine me without diminishing me?" Look at the comments on the "can't sleep" article if you want to know more about my God. Peace to you and I pray His blessings on you, Jepel. I look forward to talking with you again.

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