The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Blah Blah Blah
Published on March 30, 2004 By Shulamite In Blogging
Hello, My name is Shulamite. I'm a talkaholic. I know I have a problem. How do I know? My responses to articles are entirely too long.

No doubt you've been "rooting around" on here tonight and found one of my responses. And you thought, "geez." I think my problem is that I've been a debater.

Have you ever watched a college debate round? Wow. Can we talk fast. We can fit in an insane amount of information in a tiny little space of time. It's insane. And the arguments just keep coming! Whenever I read an article that makes me think or causes me to argue in my head (or sometimes even agree!) I automatically think, "whoa, I ought to just make that into an article."

And so I'm left with writing an article about how I should have written an article. And apologizing for inordinately long articles. Is it alright to turn responses into articles? I mean, who reads those lengthy replies anyway, right?

In class today, my students talked about women and men -- again. Yeah, we've been discussing gender communication and nonverbals, blah blah blah. Women talk A LOT more than men. I know this is no revelation, but the number of words, were I to have the stats in front of me, would astound you.

I must be tripling that number. I type fast too.

on Mar 30, 2004
I must admit I ususally just scan over your comments because, well, I'm lazy really, but don't stop because of that. I always enjoy what you have to say. It's good to have you on board.

on Mar 30, 2004
Thanks Trin! You're swell!
on Mar 31, 2004
Actually men can and do talk a lot. In a mixed group, the men dominate the conversation.