If you think property owned by industry is more important than property owned by private citizens, you might be a communist. "The distinguishing feature of communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property." -- Communist Manifesto. If people have become angry with your opinion that people should not be allowed to fully own property, then you might be a communist. "We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the rig...
It was only a matter of time, really. A nation like Japan, a world leader, booming economy, and now in need of military strength for serious defense in a volitile part of the world, needs a strong military. Their economy isn't doing as great as it was once doing and the PM can't get respect from the people. A military would certainly boost the economy, even if it at first triggered debt. I'm not saying the strategy to pull pacifism is motivated solely by economics, but cash talks. The...
World War III heating up? Japan is steadily dumping its pacifism. Link , Link , Link , Link , Link . It is allying itself with the UK and the US right now because of N Korea and China's threat to them. Are we forming the base for WWIII alliances as we speak? Key Players as I see them: In the Left Corner -- France, Germany, Middle East (sans Israel), N Korea, and China. (Allegations of behind-the-back deals and winking at behavior have been made.) In the Right Corne...
This article and few others on the topic have been in my head for weeks; I just haven't put them down yet. But Tas T's article made me write it. (By the way, Kudos. Great delineation there.) As a collegiate debater, we competed using the definition for ethnicity as "the culture with which one identifies." If one simply scans this, the response is something like, "Sure sounds logical." The definition was in our interpersonal communication course so it had validity. But what does it mean?
I'm going to try to update this article as a source for information I've heard on abortion. I will update this article frequently. I'll not put too much of my opinion here unless I state it as such. I hope it will spark your analysis of what I put. I will, however, include mine in the comments area. If you have facts, I welcome them. If I can verify them, I'll include them. Cheerio! Last week, I heard on SRN news radio broadcast that twice as many black babies are aborted as white babies. ...