The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Published on October 23, 2004 By Shulamite In Politics
I think I've got it.

Here is a solution that ought to make everyone happy. If I'm understanding this correctly, the fetus is REALLY just a blob of meaningless tissue. And as long as it's not wanted, then it's not a person. Liberals believe the government should help provide abortions for those who cannot afford them through use of public taxes. Conservatives vehemently disagree.

Why don't we just recycle that tissue? I mean really? The tissue could be used to make a fine delicacy and could be sold in only the most posh restaurants. All profits from the sale of this delicacy could go toward funding abortions for the less fortunate! The delicacy, I'm sure, would be the most tender and succulent out there. And those purchasing it would be grateful the money they're spending on egregiously priced meals would go toward a good cause. Talk about a win-win situation!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 23, 2004
"If I'm understanding this correctly, the fetus is REALLY just a blob of meaningless tissue"

well I'm all for abortion, but being catholic I hear both sides of the argument. One being that the tissue can actually feel when they are doing the abortion and is already in development not just meaningless.

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on Oct 23, 2004
Babies taste of chicken. Cannibals say that humans taste of chicken, so it only follows...
on Oct 23, 2004
I see nothing wrong with the idea.
on Oct 24, 2004
Don't many Christians take advantage of fertility treatments that create unused embryos? Do I have my facts wrong? Shouldn't churches be making an uproar over this?
on Oct 24, 2004
No. They are fools and hate women if they think embryos are anything of value. That's why they should be made into a delicacy.
on Oct 24, 2004
Hi Messy Buu,

I appreciate your sense of humor, but I guess you don't have a real answer for my question. To me, it looks like some of these anti-choice activists are being inconsistent.
on Oct 24, 2004
If it's really just tissue as they so eagerly wish us to believe, they should have no problem eating it.

Oh, does this idea bother you???? Heavens, why?

I don't like the idea of creating embryos as a part of ANY science projects period. Don't pick some Christians out and say they stand for all. I don't pick Charles Manson and the other serial killers to stand for all white men or for all non-believers or for any other group. It's absurd. These couples are desperate (like those seeking abortion) and without guidance on the issue morally or they are at peace with their decision. I cannot speak for thier motives, but I can say the action is unethical if it results in the destruction of human life. Thanks for the discernment blogic.
on Oct 24, 2004

I appreciate your sense of humor, but I guess you don't have a real answer for my question. To me, it looks like some of these anti-choice activists are being inconsistent.

Well, I guess there would be an inconsistency, if you were sure that it's the pro-life people doing these things and not the anti-life people. You are able to comprehend that not all Christians are pro-life, right?

on Oct 24, 2004
I will have the soylent green on the rice pilaf with a glass of Chianti.

- Grim X
on Oct 29, 2004
What a fantastic reference, Grim. And might I add, one form of controlling the masses is by giving them every thing they want, however base or immoral. In theory, it worked in Brave New World; it kept the proles at bay in 1984; excess of comfort keeps Americans from voting or caring. Certainly our comfort is the reason for our poor collective memory.

Back to the point at hand... No one has told me what the difference is in killing a lump of tissue and serving it up. Does it become a "person" when you want it AND when you refuse to eat it?
on Oct 29, 2004
I don't mind someone killing a donkey, but I won't eat one . . .
on Oct 29, 2004
Is it because it is not a meat you regularly eat or because you have moral objections? There is a difference... if "donkey" suddenly became a huge delicacy, you might try it as a fad. But would you have moral objections to eating a fetus?
on Oct 29, 2004
I generally don't like eating animals. I would be sick if I tried to eat a fetus. However, that's just me. I see where you're going with this, and it's a very interesting way to argue your point. Kudos for that.
on Oct 29, 2004
Thanks Texas.

By the way, TEXAS ROCKS. (Wrote about that too ... Thanks for your two cents...)
on Oct 29, 2004

Most definitely! I looked up your article on Texas, and I loved it! Outsiders just can't understand the fierce pride and loyalty that characterizes Texans. I really miss it.
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