I think I've got it.
Here is a solution that ought to make everyone happy. If I'm understanding this correctly, the fetus is REALLY just a blob of meaningless tissue. And as long as it's not wanted, then it's not a person. Liberals believe the government should help provide abortions for those who cannot afford them through use of public taxes. Conservatives vehemently disagree.
Why don't we just recycle that tissue? I mean really? The tissue could be used to make a fine delicacy and could be sold in only the most posh restaurants. All profits from the sale of this delicacy could go toward funding abortions for the less fortunate! The delicacy, I'm sure, would be the most tender and succulent out there. And those purchasing it would be grateful the money they're spending on egregiously priced meals would go toward a good cause. Talk about a win-win situation!