The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Freshmen tell a sad truth
Published on November 11, 2004 By Shulamite In Home & Family
I had my freshmen rank a list of 33 values in order of importance.

I noticed a very interesting occurance: my hispanic kids always marked "family" as first. My black kids usually marked it first. My white-non-hispanic kids almost never marked family first. They usually put success, money, friends, or other such things as first.

on Nov 11, 2004
You are a teacher? You are just now finding this "a very interesting occurance" ?

Do they have power on that deserted island you've been living on for the past 20 years?

This has ben the case in the staes now for at least that long.

Sorry to sound like I'm browbeating you...I fully understand that this is just your way to comment upon this, for you surely have noticed this long before having to give out a list to be marked....

It's a pity really...

Guess this is just one of the reasons I'm here and not there....

on Nov 14, 2004
Yes I'm really a teacher and no I'm not just now noticing it. This is, however, the first time I've had it confirmed overwhelmingly even in a very rural and spiritual area.

Yes it is a very sad piteous state. The drive for success pushes people from the place that matters most: their home.

I was more bringing it up for comment than saying "wowee, I didn't realize..."

Where is "here?"