The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Putting your money where your mouth is
Published on October 31, 2004 By Shulamite In Misc
I'm starting a new company this year. I'll be distributing aborted fetuses to fine restaurants as part of their new menu. All proceeds will go to support Abortion funding, thereby relieving tax payers of the cost.

I'm hiring Grim X as my official advertising vice president.

I'm taking openings in other staff positions as the need arises.

Also, I'll need some recipes to get this started off. I've suggested FLT -- Fetus, Letuce, Tomato sandwiches. Any others?

on Oct 31, 2004
this is just dark....
on Oct 31, 2004
Of course it is dark humur, considering its about canabilism, but the point is that if the fetus is nothing more that a blob of cells that someone aborted with no regard to the fact it is a human life, why would it be canabalistic, why couldn't that aborted "blob" be served up with some linquini and a radish garnish at some posh restraunt?

Call it "Waste not, want not". How bout a nice Baby con car to help draw in them richies!
on Nov 02, 2004
I don't think it's humourous at all...

I think it's just as sick as abortion on demand for the reason Ms. Lady Death articulated. By the way, I've hired her as my public relations vice president.