The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Christians, am I alone?
Published on July 14, 2004 By Shulamite In Philosophy
Just a prayer philosophy as I was reading my pal, Lewis, recently. In one address (recorded in The Weight of Glory) he mentions a problem Christians face as they mature in their faith.

We pray for all sorts of stuff. We put all sorts of things before Him. We believe He wants to help us and He wants to talk to us. But then we get off our knees before He has the chance to speak to us. We stop the meditation just shy of His word. We don't read our scriptures long enough to hear His take on our problems.

Sometimes, it's laziness. Granted.

Sometimes, it's not.

Sometimes, we don't want to hear from Him. We go through the motions so we'll be able to say, "yeah I've prayed about it," or "geez, I dunno, God's just not talking to me." Maybe it's not conscious. Maybe it's on an inner level. Fear of intimacy -- sure, why not? Why shouldn't our temporal problems invade our spiritual life -- they often do. I think we're afraid of really being known.

Also, we're afraid that if we hear from Him, we'll be faced with doing what He tells us to do. And then, we fear, we'll be held accountable for choosing not to do that; perhaps we think that is worse than just cutting Him off before He speaks. Either way, we've made a choice. The problem is, we know we'll feel guilt for the one; we too often don't feel guilt for the other.

I know I've been guilty of this at times. Said, "God this is what I need, what I want, what do I do?" and then "Amen."

There's a lot to be said for the intimacy that comes from being still and just knowing that He is God. Maybe KNOWING that will put us in the right place -- eagerness for a word from Him.

on Jul 14, 2004
This was some good food for thought. I'm struggling with pushing through right now and really feeling He's here and hearing me. Maybe I'm really not waiting enough. Maybe I don't really want to hear from Him. I asked Him tonight why it is that when life is going great for me, I tend to forget about Him and that only when life gets REALLY hard does He draw near to me. But I guess that's not right, I guess I just don't draw close until I'm at my VERY end. Hmmm. I'm waiting for a breakthrough. It's time I start talking to Him more, but sometimes it would be nice to hear Him talk. But that's what his word (sitting on my desk, dusty argh) is for. I'm an idiot. To get something out of anything you need to put something into it. Thanks for this article.

on Jul 14, 2004
I feel for everyone who experiences this. I know when I feel like I am not breaking through I find myself questioning. I usually wind up saying G*d clear my mind and my heart so that I may hear your voice. Remember what you are asking for is it your will or his will. I know that this is easier said than done. I recently had to pray continous for over 7 months to see his will. I was even at the point where I would say G*D you missed it that was the opportunity why is this not working? Then with a calming voice he answers, "Am I not bigger than these things?" I feel like a 2 yr old throwing a fit because I know he is right. I have a new appreciation for him. I know that he has blessed me for my faithfulness. May G*d bless you and keep you!

Ask yourself truthfully: If it isn't G*D's will, then do I really want it?

Keep the faith!
on Jul 16, 2004
A better definition of prayer is getting in touch with your conscience.
on Jul 24, 2004
Big Dreamer, Adventure Dude -- thanks for the insightful replies. I realize for those who don't have a committed prayer life, these problems don't really ring clear. They're odd and don't make a lot of sense. I'm glad they do for you guys. Glad to be of whatever help I may be.

Stevendedalus: I don' t think your definition is spot-on exactly. See, you say, "getting in touch with your conscience." However, for Christians, it's as the psalm says, "deep calling Deep." It's not my conscience I trust. The heart is above all things deceitful and we all make allowances and excuses for ourselves that Moral Law does not make for anyone. This is why we cannot trust our own conscience or our heart. "follow your heart" to us is foolish. By sharp contrast, prayer is actual communication. Not just one-way, my friend. Prayer is dialogue -- a diad in truest form. Its modus operandi is The Holy Spirit, hence its supernatural quality. How might you defend your defeniton, I wonder? Or is this a secular defintion, perhaps even a quote from someone? I've thought about it and I can't find logic in it... but I think it's because our premises are different. Thanks for your comment... I'm eager to read more.

God Bless you all...
on Jul 25, 2004
I suggest you go to my blog "God, Indifference and Denial."