The things that make me laugh, weep, and live.
Passport in Hand!
Published on June 17, 2004 By Shulamite In Travel
I'm about to make my second trip to a developing country and WHOOO am I excited!

And don't let this come across as one of those "oh, she goes to these developing countries, sees the tourist traps, and then feels somehow better that she's actually been to a developing country." Not one of those trips, my friend. (For my friends out there who are extremely right-wing, a developing country is what was formerly known as "third-world." )

This is the same country I went to before, so It's not new to me. I know what I'm doing, where I'm going. And I know not to drink the water.

THIS time though, we're getting to spend ALL DAY in the prison! (The. As in the ONLY prison. Where there is no execution date. And all executions are public and swift via hanging. yowch.) Nothin' liike vacationing with prison guards, gettin' the pat-down.

On a much lighter note, we're getting to go to an orphanage too! We're bringing them about 5-10 soccer balls. I think we're taking 5-10 more to a youth hostel and maybe five to a village. How cool! Those kids love to play soccer. We're bringing one kid a guitar. He asked for one last time and a guy not getting to go is sending it. I can't wait to see his face...

You should see the kids go nuts over the balloon animals! Mine always look like a single-celled organism... or worse, some sort of diseased intestines. But they love them! I love laughing with them. They love to show you things. One kid at the hostel said last time, "This is a chair. This is a table. This is a table cloth. This is a napkin." He proceeded to tell us what they're all for. I thought he was joking. Then I realized it was new to him.

I can't wait to see this one girl. I'm bringing her some hair ribbons. You should see the 16, 17 year old girls go crazy for some baby dolls. They've never had one. They carry them around like they're treasures. This one girl called me once! I know she didn't have the money for it. No telling where she went to get to the phone!

Well, I'm asking my Christian friends out there to pray for me and the team while we're out there. You guys might can imagine the spiritual warfare we encounter. I wish I could go into detail. Maybe i will when I return and I'm fresh.

You others who might be reading; think of us. Don't miss the chance to get in the trenches in a place like this. It's golden. And well worth it. I'm pumped.

I could move there.

Just a couple things first: you won't see the bugs if you don't look for them. Also, I was just joking earlier, extreme right-wingers. I'm a conservative! Don't shoot!

Peace to you all!

on Jun 18, 2004
i'll be praying for you shulamite! all the best for the trip -- i'm sure you'll grow even more than the people you're going over there to bless.
on Jun 29, 2004
It was awesome... the prisoners who accepted Christ as Savior and King on the last trip couldn't wait to find us... they wanted to tell us how powerfully their lives have changed! They've even gotten a new Christian Dorm (called a Tango) at the prison just for them. They're hated by all the other inmates but they persevere. And man, I can see the change. It's visible. You'd not understand unless you'd been there; this is not the same prison each time we go. Those who've made committments are changed utterly. I'll write more later...

glad to be back home!